Features of 2gnōMe
In the prior post, I shared some of the background of 2gnōMe. Here are some of the features and information on how to learn more, be sure to follow on Twitter and schedule a time for a chat if you are attending ISTE this weekend!
Navigating the platform is easy and the data is displayed in a way that enables you to process the information quickly and understand the next steps. Returning to the platform and finding your results, summary, and portfolio is easy. Being able to review the results, use the summary for further self-reflection and even add items to a portfolio will empower teachers to advocate for their own professional development and also foster peer collaborations through the platform.
Areas that caught my attention were how quickly the additional learning resources are compiled and available immediately to the educator. Having these so readily accessible enables each individual to explore different tools and learning providers available for professional development without the need for teachers, already short on time, to locate resources for themselves.
The Dashboard includes Goal Setting, Professional Learning, and Lifelong Learning and within each focus area, a list of the results for each are provided. Along with the scale showing your individual rating, an average rating is included which shows how you compare with peers. These are great points to use for building your professional collaborations and even mentorships with colleagues.
Benefits for the Educator Community
As a teacher, what I appreciate most about the 2gnōMe platform is that it coordinates a more holistic and continuous learning experience for educators. Just as our students need personalized learning experiences, educators need the same opportunity to build their own skills in our practice. Through 2gnōMe, teachers are able to self-assess and gain access to the right resources that meet their needs, without having to do all of the work. It analyzes all of the data and provides/creates a more personalized experience by gathering from the resources that are built within or made accessible through the platform.
- Customizable platform to rubrics for learning.
- Establishes a baseline of skills
- Enhances teacher self-awareness
- Promotes teacher-agency
- Identifies teacher readiness
- Provides access to portfolios, credentials, and PLCs
- Personalized learning for educators at scale
- Recommends courses for professional learning
For school administrators responsible for making decisions about the types of professional development to provide for teachers, using the 2gnōMe platform helps to simplify the decision-making process. It empowers education leaders to support teachers with personalized learning at scale, across their professional development systems. Using the data, administrators can see the type of learning that each educator might need or benefit from, and it personalizes the learning experience for each educator as they work through the different assessments in the platform.
Administrators recognize that teachers have different skill sets and they need to be able to identify what teachers know and what they need, to be able to provide the best learning experiences for students. To do this, there needs to be a consistent method that can customize the personal and professional learning experience for teachers. With 2gnōMe this is possible through:
- Needs Assessment
- Personalized Professional Learning
- Resource Allocation Insights
- Teacher Induction & Retention
- Custom PLCs
- Digital Portfolios for Teachers
Using 2gnōMe, teachers will engage in authentic, meaningful and personalized professional development in a supportive learning space. Together, teachers and schools will improve their practice, implement innovative methods, and achieve better results.
Learn more about district benefits and sign up for a Pilot here.
Be sure to follow @2gnōMe and meet up while attending ISTE.
See the interview with Jeff Bradbury and Ilya, Teachercast interview ISTE 2018
Also see: SETDA announced cohort and @2gnōMe is one of those named https://finance.yahoo.com/news/setda-announces-2020-cohort-emerging-160000362.html