A Powerful Learning Community and So Much More!
A Powerful Learning Community and So Much More!
By Rachelle Dene Poth @Rdene915
Being an educator requires a lot. It requires a huge investment in time to make sure that we are providing everything that our students need and that we are making time for ourselves to grow professionally. Finding a way to balance the numerous responsibilities can be difficult sometimes and trying to do so can result in a lack of balance and a loss in time for personal and professional development. So what can educators do? Do we have to choose only one thing? How can we when it is all important to our students’ growth as well as our own?
We don’t have to choose. We have access to the support we need and more importantly, that our students need, through the ability to connect in the Buncee community. For several years I have been proud to be a part of this growing educator community and have learned so much from the connections that I have made and from the relationships that have formed with the Buncee team and Buncee Ambassadors. I am so proud to be a part of this Buncee family.
Finding what we need
People often ask how to find resources and new ideas for their classes, how to become more connected, and where to find a supportive network of educators. Over the years I have been fortunate to become connected with a lot of different educators in various communities ranging from state and national educational organizations, to ambassador programs and a growing PLN from leveraging social media networks that enable me to learn and gather new ideas that will benefit my students and my practice.
There are a lot of communities out there to choose from, but one in particular has continued to make an impact in my life and for my students over the years, and in the lives of many students, educators and people from around the world. And that is Buncee.
Where to Begin
Whether you’re on Twitter or not, I would recommend checking out what educators have been sharing when it comes to Buncee. During the week there are many Twitter chats happening and discussion in online forums such as Facebook.
These are a few of the most common topics that educators have been exploring:
- Finding resources and authentic ideas for assessment
- Providing different types of learning experiences that are more student-driven and full of choices like project-based learning.
- Building social emotional learning (SEL) or digital citizenship skills
- Promoting global and cultural awareness
- Engaging students in more authentic and meaningful work.
- Differentiated instruction and how we can make sure that we are providing what each student needs in our classrooms.
For many years I kept myself kind of isolated and relied on my own experiences as a student and used only the materials that I had in my own classroom. Truthfully, I didn’t really know where to look to find support or other resources and didn’t feel like I had the time to do so. But today, all of that is so greatly changed, and it just takes looking outward to see what is happening in classrooms around the world. Finding the right connection and taking that first step.
Finding New ideas
Just in the last few weeks, I have learned how teachers are using Buncee for more than just creating a presentation. Educators are leveraging technology to help students to build confidence, facilitate global connections, foster social-emotional learning skills, and even for helping students to overcoming anxiety when it comes to doing presentations in class.
Recently a friend asked me if I had ideas for a different way to teach mythology. I posted my question in the Buncee community and it didn’t take long for someone to share a few project ideas and for many educators to offer more support.
There are so many unique ways to use Buncee and beyond just being a versatile tool for students and educators and anybody to use to create. Buncee has really brought people together in a welcoming community. A community that is focused on supporting one another so it can support all students.
If you are looking for a new idea, a different way to present information to your students, to have students create, to be engaged in learning, then I definitely recommend you check out Buncee.
If you are looking to become part of a supportive educator network, then I encourage you to become part of the Buncee Community. Engage in the conversations that happen each day, join in the monthly Twitter chats, take advantage of all the resources that they are so willing to give and to share. Explore some of the recent Twitter conversation and tremendous support in this community here.
Here are some of the most recent ideas shared that are definitely worth checking out:
Holiday Hugs Marie Arturi and Amy Storer Read about it here.
Tutorial Shared with Anyone Looking to Get Started: Dan Spada
Culturally Responsive Teaching: Bonnie Foster
Daily Reflective Thoughts by Don Sturm
Book recommendations: Rachelle Dene Poth
Hopes and Dreams: Laurie Guyon
Law Enforcement Appreciation Day: Barbie Monty
Welcome Back messages: Laura Steinbrink
Student Reminders: Barbie Monty
Student Focus for the year: Heather Preston
Barbie Monty
Student Business Cards and Goals: Loni Stein
Task Cards: Amy Nichols
Teacher PD: Barbie Monty
Student Projects: Todd Flory
Test Prep and Motivation: Amy Nichols
Video and Buncee with Greenscreen: Jennifer Conti